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Surface Go 3, jabbla installed, on wooden desk

Jabbla gives people a voice

Jabbla helps people who cannot express themselves or who have difficulties expressing themselves. Their latest development is a speech computer with additional functionality based on the Microsoft Surface Go 3. This hardware combined with unique software running on Windows allows people to communicate using speech synthesis.

“Some people cannot speak from birth, while others have a communication disability due to an illness later in life. Our software is for all ages, in a dozen languages, and works with symbols or text,” said Bart Noe proudly, director of Jabbla – together with Jo Cremelie.

Microsoft Surface Go 3



Jabbla logo

Communication Software

For communication software, Jabbla has worked with Windows for years.

Under the Mind Express banner, users can download more than a thousand software items within different categories:

Surface Go 3 with Jabbla installed
  • Symbol communication
  • Text communication
  • Games
  • Educational
  • Apps (e.g. WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype)

How it works

To give the solution a voice, Windows’ Text To Speech feature is employed. For users’ smartphones, communication goes via the Bluetooth module. So, the speech computer also becomes a way to access their smartphone.


The software is continuously under development to ensure the tablet computer can be used to the maximum. So, the number of components is always expanding and always tailored to each type of user.

When Microsoft has refined Windows even further, Jabbla may be able to connect calls using Bluetooth, and the user could employ the software to send a voice message via their phone to the recipient. ‘Hopefully, we will see that feature soon.’, adds Cremelie.

Microsoft Surface Go 3

Way back, Jabbla chose Microsoft Surface devices to interact with the software. The latest solution is based on the Microsoft Surface Go 3, which has a smaller screen, so the complete solution is more convenient for particular users.


It also has its own casing provided by Jabbla, so why not use a standard sleeve like the hundreds you find online?

Jabbla’s solution has an integrated display on the back to show text, exceptional speakers, a USB-A connection for a keyboard or mouse, and other options, such as switches and an infrared transmitter. Users can set up this transmitter to control a television or other smart devices in their homes. The read-aloud screen can be used to tell someone when they need to be quiet or when not to use the speaker.

More than a tablet

Battery life

The battery life of the Microsoft Surface Go 3 is excellent. But using the device the entire day often cuts it close. Which is why Jabbla has developed a smart sensor in the holder that instantly brings the device out of sleep mode. Touch the sensor and the Surface Go 3 wakes from sleep mode in a flash allowing you to use the device again almost instantly.


Users never have to wait long for service. It takes on average a week to repair and return the device. That seems quite fast, but Noe makes an important point: ‘That person is missing their voice waiting on the repair. So, we are looking to Microsoft to see how we can reduce the repair time.’


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