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Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a suit of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses for their own consumer products, such as Google Search, Gmail, and YouTube. These allow you to build, deploy, and scale applications, websites, and services.

On this page you will discover all that you need to know about Google Cloud and why it is your go-to cloud solution to innovate and grow your business.

How can Google Cloud help you and your business?

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Data and AI Cloud

  • Support for data analytics at petabyte scale
  • Hundreds of millions of ML models with customer usage growing 200% YoY
  • Building the most open data ecosystem with more than 900 partners and leading software integrations, helping organizations avoid vendor lock-in
  • Translation Hub translates content in 135 languages
  • Multicloud analytics for where your data resides without cost or risk of moving it

Modern Infrastructure Cloud

  • One of the world’s largest networks with 37 regions, 112 zones, and 187 edge locations available in over 200 countries and territories, all connected by 22 subsea cables
  • GKE Autopilot is 2.7X faster to deploy than AWS EKS, and scales horizontally 3.2X faster
  • Highly scalable containerized infrastructure up to 10X better than the competition
  • World’s largest publicly available ML hub with Cloud TPU v4
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Collaboration Cloud

  • World’s most popular productivity tool with more than 3 billion monthly active users across the globe
  • Gmail blocks more than 99.9% of spam, malware, and phishing messages
  • 2X fewer email security incidents than organizations using Microsoft 365
  • More than 5 billion apps have been installed in Google Workspace
  • 82% of people who switch to Google Workspace state their team has become more innovative vs. 47% of Microsoft 365 switchers

Security Cloud

  • Google keeps more people and organizations safe online than anyone else in the world — billions of users and millions of sites
  • In 2022, Mandiant helped over 1,800 customers prepare for or recover from the most critical cyber security incidents
  • Prevented the largest L7 DDoS attack recorded to date
  • reCAPTCHA protects >6 million sites
  • >40,000 vulnerabilities have been found by Google in Open Source Software Project
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You can find even more information about Google Cloud in the datasheets below.

Why Google Cloud and TD SYNNEX?
Check out below video’s to find out!

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